The Warpath to Regime Change
By Gareth Porter

An assessment of neoconservative thinking on how to effect regime change in Iran reveals a path leading from 9/11 to the belief that only war will work. Driven in part by the failed intervention in Iraq, which helped increase rather than dampen Iranian influence in the region, neoconservatives with the ear of the vice president abandoned the idea that the U.S. invasion would force change in Iran and other nearby countries, arguing by 2007 that all options must be on the table. Read full story.


UN Watch
The fervently pro-Israel UN Watch is a Geneva-based NGO known for its belligerent and hostile attitude toward the UN Human Rights Council.

Hudson Institute
Home to a passel of hardline supporters of the "war on terror," Hudson was founded by Cold Warriors like Herman Kahn, the nuclear strategist famous for his efforts to develop "winnable" nuclear war strategies.

American Enterprise Institute
A key component of the neoconservative advocacy community and a home away from home for many Bush administration figures, many AEI writers have argued for "regime change" in Iran on both sides of the Atlantic.

Washington Institute for Near East Policy
A think tank closely aligned with the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, WINEP recently served as a venue for the vice president to threaten action against Iran.

Reuel Marc Gerecht
The AEI fellow has insisted that by liberating Iraqi Shiites, the regime in neighboring Iran would be weakened, resulting in the emergence of a stable Middle East order.


Distant Diplomacy
By Khody Akhavi

On Iran, a Republican congressman summed it up best this week: "It’s time for old men to talk, before they send young men to die." Read full article.


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